Infection also occurs through contact with infected areas of the body under favorable conditions - high temperature and humidity. This is why the possibility of contracting onychomycosis is very high in baths, saunas and gyms. Toenail fungus, which can be treated at home, is one of the most unpleasant subtypes of this disease.
It is very difficult to ignore the symptoms of nail fungus.
The most common symptoms are:
- changing the color of the damaged nail plate to poisonous gray or dirty yellow,
- itching of the skin around the infection area,
- gradual peeling of the nail, it crumbles,
- painful sensations when you touch an area of skin affected by inflammation that has acquired a red color.

The reasons for the difficulty of treating nail fungus
Many people face the following problem: a person has cured a fungus, but after a while it appears again. There may be several reasons for this:
- improper treatment, because of something, the fungus can get deep into the tissues and become resistant to various means,
- mistake in choosing a medicine,
- initially weak immunity caused by living in a polluted environment (for example, in a big city),
- other diseases that can prevent a sustainable recovery. For example, diabetes mellitus, varicose veins, etc.
- inability to completely destroy nail fungus. Every year new strains of this disease appear, resistant to certain drugs,
- low level of sanitary conditions.

Treatment of onychomycosis
There are many ways to treat nail onychomycosis. For example, laser procedures in a clinic. But they are all quite expensive and suitable for a narrow circle of people - a full treatment of 10 nail plates will cost a good amount of money on average.
Unlike laser procedures, special creams, ointments and tablets are suitable for a wide range of people and are sold in any pharmacy. Before using them, you should grind them as much as possible, or better, remove the damaged nail plate. This can be done either by file or in the surgeon's office.
All medications for onychomycosis are divided into several groups:
- pills,
- ointments,
- paints and solutions.
The choice of a specific antifungal drug depends on three factors: the size of the affected area, the physiological state of the person (antibiotics are contraindicated for sick elderly people, for example) and the duration of the disease. Based on them, the attending physician prescribes the necessary medications to the patient. Different remedies and treatment methods are well described in each short thematic video.
Cheap tablets and capsules for onychomycosis
Drugs for the treatment of fungal infections
Tablets based on the active substance are prescribed for any fungal disease. It is better to combine them with special ointments. It is used internally in capsule form. Contraindications: not recommended for use by people with hypersensitivity or during lactation and pregnancy. Perhaps this drug is the best solution for patients, as there are no serious contraindications or side effects for drugs based on this substance.
Broad-spectrum synthetic antifungal agent
Antifungal capsules are similar in action to the previous drug, but have fewer options for use. Thanks to this, the fight against specific types of nail fungus is much more effective.
Capsules are taken immediately after meals and washed down with water. It is not recommended to take this medicine for people with hypersensitivity to its components. Sometimes the patient may experience itching, burning in the vagina and redness near the external genital organ. This is a normal reaction of the body; therefore you should not complete the course of treatment.
Antimicrobial drug for systemic use
Cheap pills. They are taken for many types of onychomycosis, including athlete's foot and toenail fungus. The advantage of the drug is its good combination with antibiotics.
It should be taken once a day before meals, which is also an advantage. But it is not highly recommended for people with severe organic damage to the nervous system and children. The medicine is effective.
Antifungal ointments and creams
Medicinal solution for the treatment of skin infections of fungal origin
The most famous and most "advertised" cream for mycosis. It is used for the treatment of nail plates of both feet and hands. Before use, you need to grind your nails. Apply the ointment underneath. After application, the substance remains under the nail for a long time, which speeds up the healing process and the duration of the effect.
There are practically no contraindications, except that the use of the drug is not recommended for children, pregnant women, and during lactation.
Antifungal agent intended for external use
An expensive drug specially designed to treat nail fungus. It can be used to treat onychomycosis in children over 4 years old. Unlike analogues, the patient feels the effect of this colorless serum after only a few days of use. There are practically no contraindications: it can be used even during pregnancy.
The only thing that scares me is the high price for 5 grams. this medicine. It varies from pharmacy to pharmacy, but patients say that the high cost is well justified.
Medical product with patented formula
A modern and inexpensive remedy for toenail fungus. Before use, it is recommended to cut the area affected by mycosis. After that, the product should be applied directly to the nails (not under them! ). This medication is contraindicated in children and adolescents under 18 years of age. It is prescribed by the attending physician. When applying (apply strictly once a day, due to its effectiveness), you may feel a slight burning sensation, but do not panic, it will pass quickly.
Cream and tablets for the prevention and treatment of athlete's foot
There are oil and tablets. The latter are not recommended to be taken, as there are more effective analogues. In contrast, the oil is worth a try.
It is rubbed under the nail (cleaned and cut in advance) depending on the severity of the fungus - once or twice a day. The effect becomes visible already on the second day. But even if the patient feels that mycosis is localized, the course of treatment must be completed. It is 1 week for a mild form of fungus and 2 weeks for a severe form.
Contraindications: the cream can cause severe allergies or itching if taken incorrectly. Therefore, before starting an effective treatment course for foot fungus, consult a specialist.
Antimycotic varnish
Broad-spectrum antifungal agent with good penetrating ability
Expensive, but effective anti-fungal spray. Suitable for both treatment and prevention of various fungal diseases. But the medicine is a kind of "antibiotic". Therefore, if it was used for treatment before, it is not worth using it a second time - the effect will not justify the money spent, because it is very likely that the fungus has developed immunity to the drug.
Before application, the damaged nail is filled with a file, after which the varnish itself is applied. It leaves behind a shine, which is undesirable for men. The medicine is used every other day! During this time, it will have time to absorb and reach the source of infection.
Nail fungus treatment and prevention spray
Famous expensive varnish. It is also an antifungal antibiotic, which makes it not recommended for repeated use. The method of application does not differ from the previous varnish, but, unlike this, this medicine is allergic.
Contraindications: not recommended for use by pregnant women and children, as well as those with allergies. The spray is very toxic.
Apply varnish to the damaged nail once or twice a week, after pre-treating it and cleaning it with a file.
Prevention of toenail fungus
Onychomycosis is extremely contagious and difficult to treat. A person infected with this disease requires treatment, which can last more than a month. After all, even if the disease is destroyed, a few spores left standing can bring it back. It should be handled with care and under the supervision of an experienced specialist.
But even if the disease has not affected a person, there is no need to sit at home and wait for the infection. Prevention will help not to be afraid of mushrooms. Just remember a few simple rules:
- Never use the same tools to treat sick and healthy nails, as well as affected areas of the skin. As strange as it sounds, this way there is less risk of infection of healthy nails, especially on the neighboring hands and feet.
- Wash your socks more often. This rule applies especially to men, because. . . They are the least concerned about cleanliness. Don't wear the same socks a few days ago,
- don't wear other people's clothes and shoes. This applies to any clothing that comes into contact with the hands and feet (gloves, socks) and absolutely any footwear. Even slippers in the same family should have their own. After all, fungi are very contagious - if one member of the family is infected, the rest will also be infected,
- Only wear slippers on the beach. No closed shoes!
- visit the sauna or spa opposite with closed shoes. Try to avoid splashing water,
- After showering and swimming, be sure to dry your feet completely and treat them with antifungal ointment. This rule applies especially to swimming in public rivers and lakes.